Saturday, February 2, 2008

February 02, 2008

Saturday, February 02, 2008 7:40:31 PM

Well work ended yesterday. Several coworkers came to a farewell lunch for me. I was happy a lot of people showed up and several others let me know why they couldn’t be there.

I was expecting a lot more from the exit interview. The exit interview consisted of the HR person reading my summary of benefits. That reminds me I need to exercise any stock options if I have any. I may just move all of my money out of e-trade for that matter.

I left the lights on so I wasn’t able to leave work right after I finished yesterday.

I felt empty the whole day. It was very odd to realize everything at AMIS was ending for me. For the time being anyway… Right now I don’t see myself going back but I also don’t see myself not going back. Mary asked if I was excited to be done with work and I just told her that I was too tired to be excited.

I’m sure our outstanding “to do” list was weighing me quite a bit yesterday. I was happy that we were able to get a nice bite taken out of it today. There again another reminder I need to get life insurance taken care of.

Today was successful as a work day in that Lexie and I were both able to make steady progress through out the day. Lexie got a lot organized in the trailer and I was able to make a shelf to hold the laptop as part of my car office. When I designed the shelf I was thinking that I would need to counterweight and Velcro the shelf to keep it from tipping but that wasn’t the case. I was able to scribe in a tight enough fit against the window that the shelf will hold in place. The main concern now is that it doesn’t pop out the window. I was very happy with the shelf but the fact that it absolutely cannot be used while driving makes it such that I can’t even start to think of it as a commercial product.

I was disappointed to find that I could not fit my graphics tablet next to my keyboard in a reasonable way but the way it is configured will let me use one or the other pretty well. For now I will just need to use the mouse off the laptop touch pad if I am not using the graphics tablet and peck on the laptop keyboard if I am.

The key to sanity in this experience will be to just focus on keeping my oars in the water. The things I am doing are going to take time. As long as I just keep doing they will eventually get done.

I have been really nasty about my eating lately. I kept telling myself I would do better once I stopped work at AMIS, now I am telling myself I will do better once I leave my mom’s house.

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