Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 16, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:18:09 AM

I finally got my date macro renamed and assigned to Ctrl-D a small thing but symbolic I hope in that it is the small things that make the difference. I know one of my hang ups is that I try to do too much too fast and wind up not getting as much done. I have found an amazing increase in my level of peace and enjoyment when I can back up and get in the mind set of “this job is going to take as long as it is going to take and it will be something really great when I finally finish it”. Of course that mind set isn’t always practical but it works more times that I will give it credit for.

I got a new graphics tablet yesterday. I am really excited about it. So far I seem to be getting used to it very quickly. I need to be realistic about my artistic abilities, it will be a while before I am doing things well freehand however the graphics tablet will be a big help. I have a couple of ideas concerning how I can get it to fit in the car office but I am not quite sure which I will use. I am guilty of skipping that step in the purchase decision of the tablet. It was one of those things I decided I just flat needed to make work.

Lexie and I talked about doing a handwriting program. I am very interested in the idea because the computer offers some feed back that a pencil and paper aren’t as ready to give. Another idea I had as I was writing is to make a game that focus on fine motor that requires the basic letter strokes.

I am all but exploding with stress over not having the car office ready nor having the website ready. I know quite a bit about html and general web programming and design but it is all rusty and I want professional results. The trouble of course is that I am not a professional right now. I also don’t have any time right now. I guess my schedule explains it. There really just isn’t that much time in a day. Yesterday my perception of the day was: I woke up, I got ready for work, I came home, Got the kids to go to my parents for dinner, ate dinner, helped my Dad with the computer for a tiny bit, went home exhausted, got kids in bed, plugged in the graphics tablet, tried a couple of things half asleep and went to bed thinking there isn’t any time in a day. It isn’t like I am working long hours at work either. I only worked 8 hours yesterday so work and the commute together only accounted for 8.5 of the hours. I know I lost most of my morning time half asleep in the tub. ¼ of lunch time was talking to Lexie another ¼ eating and the last half listening to talk of the nation. The evening was a mix of chasing kids and running around in circles.

I am really hoping that the trailer life minimized chasing around kids. It is something we really need to work on in the family. I know that Lexie and I are both to blame because we don’t give them good input about the schedule and we let them get away with ignoring us. Another vector of course is that they are still very little kids. When we go in the trailer I know I am planning to do suburban to trailer, trailer to suburban, in the trailer, out of the trailer, in the suburban and out of the suburban drills. Those are things we do very frequently but we aren’t very good at. For starters the most important ones to get down are going to be into the trailer from the suburban and into the suburban from the trailer.

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